Hand Bouquets

A small-size bouquet consisting 2 sunflowers just to bring up the mood.

AB101       Be Happy      $29.00


A small to medium-size bouquet of the ever-popular gerberas.

AB102     Cheerios      $29.00


A medium-size bouquet of 3 sunflowers to brighten up the day.

AB103     Sunshine      $35.00


A small to medium-size color-blending bouquet of lisianthus and chrysanthemums.

AB104     Peacock      $23.00


A small to medium-size classic bouquet of fresh aromatic lilies, and baby's breath.

AB105     Classic      $35.00


A small to medium-size bouquet of fresh hydrangea, roses and sweet william.

AB106    Sugar    $49.00


A small-size bouquet of fresh hydrangea and sweet william.

AB107     Wonderland    $39.00


 A small-size bouquet of fresh sweet william accented with foliages.

AB108    -   Here's my Heart!    $23.00


A medium-size bouquet consisting 12 stalk of roses with million stars and foliages.

AB109    -  Love x Twelve    $49.00

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